Monday, February 11, 2013

Media And Our Nation (Connections)

The mass media is one of the most influential factors in our society.  Mass media consists of articles, the radio, posters, television, billboards, movies, etc; All which have one drive in common, which is to shape the way our public thinks of themselves, others, and our society.  Mass media defines and molds the many minds of Americans.

Much of media is misleading such as media surrounding the poor.  This article discusses that the news media provides little coverage of the poor and also ignores the society of the poor.  There are about 40 million poor individuals within the nation and the rate of poverty continues to increase rapidly, yet the poor are hardly spoken about within the media.  When they are discussed, it is usually in a negative manner which put down the poor.  

When looking back to the Kozal article, the Bronx of NY alone have a devastating amount of poor individuals in horrifying situations.  Their living conditions, education, safety, food, and health are not even close to what the ideal conditions should be.  The media fails to discuss any of this and the suffering that goes on within this society.  I was unaware of how poor the conditions actually are and the suffering that many individuals undergo.  If more media covered information surrounding the poverty in our nation, it may bring our society one step closer to decreasing the poverty rate of our country and increasing the minds of America.   

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